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Resolution in Support of Community Based Adult Services

Whereas, in the 10 weeks of shelter at home orders, Community-Based Adult Services (CBAS) health care providers have provided 972,000 in-person contacts, ensuring that participants had what they needed to remain safely at home and shelter in place; and

Whereas, these services include nursing support, social worker support, mental health support, in-home support, care management, activities, caregiving, delivery of basic hygiene, and delivery of healthy meals. All of this provided for at a daily rate that is generally less than one home health nursing visit, and a fraction of the cost of one day in a nursing home; and

Whereas, the elimination (not a reduction) of the CBAS budget as part of Governor Gavin Newson’s 2020 proposed budget would do away with a lifeline for these participants and their families; leading many, if not all, to place loved ones into nursing homes where death rates are disproportionately higher versus the general population. 

Therefore, be it resolved that the Democratic Club of the Conejo Valley supports Community Based Adult Services and calls on state lawmakers and Governor Gavin Newsom to fully fund these services in the May budget revision and in future budgets.

Furthermore, be it resolved that the Democratic Club of the Conejo Valley deliver a copy of this Resolution to Governor Gavin Newsom, Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin, and State Senator Henry Stern, and deliver a copy to the Ventura County Democratic Central Committee.


Authored by Andy Pletcher, Cathy Willott, Henry Montalvo

Approved by Democratic Club of the Conejo Valley at 6/8/2020 Meeting

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